Do you want to set the tone for this year’s holiday party in Austin? You love setting these up, but somehow, this year seems like it needs just a little bit more, without breaking the bank of course. How about a decked-out Santa Claus standing in the middle of your office? Or a snow machine that blasts a flurry of fake flakes in his wake? What about a few elves to run around the office with bells on?
Have Fun at Your Office Holiday Party
If you’re looking for ways to take your holiday gathering up a notch or two without breaking your bottom line, here are some suggestions:
Start by decorating on an epic scale—very few decorations on every surface is not what we mean! Accentuate one wall with tinsel garland tacked across it. Place a pile of wrapped gifts under the tree. Add a poinsettia to every desk and table. Take the decorating to a level that the Griswold family would be proud of. Make sure people know what time it is from the building next door – have fun with it!
Share fond memories around the office – one aspect of the holiday season that people tend to like a lot is the ability to share positive memories and actions that made their year better. Let this become the focal point of at least one area within the office. Encourage people to write down their memories and post them there. It is a great way to see who is giving back and who is helping out.
Let your guard down for one night – while most office holiday parties are boring, some know-how to really live it up. We recommend you let your guard down for one night and just let the party be lively and fun. Both men and women are going to enjoy the festivities! You do not have to be professional 100% of your time at the office, do you? Here at Kitty Cat Now Austin, we have some amazing ladies who can come out, offer a few dances for Santa’s lap, offer up a few fun beverages, and just liven the energy all around. Want to find out more? Give us a call!
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